Presidential elections roll around every four years like clockwork. And just like clockwork there is often an enterprising spirits company that tries to ride the election wave with various red, white and blue themed spirits. It seems this year one such enterprising company is getting an early start with their red vs. blue vodka throw down. Perhaps without an endless variety of sports because of the pandemic shutdowns politics is the new ‘sport’. Let the games begin.
We have no idea what this tastes like but they’ve pulled out about every pun in the book to get their tasteless vodka to the marketplace. And as the text says neither flavor is particularly palatable but at the end of the day on November 3, 2020 you’ll need to make a choice after all ‘neither flavor is exceptional but one must win’.
Since kicking off the decade with a global pandemic and an economic and civil crisis — Election Flavored Vodka, a limited edition American-made spirit, launches with zero promises whatsoever of improving anyone’s life or how the rest of the year will go.
Everything is terrible. This vodka is bearable.
Inspired by this year’s highly-anticipated presidential race and its lackluster pair of candidates, Election Flavored Vodka is available in two berry flavors: “Raspberry Rage” — a maga-nificent choice for those content with the status quo, and “Bleeding Heart Blueberry” — a refreshing option for those seeking change but without a ton of options. Neither flavor is exceptional. But one must win.
The MEH 2020 Campaign
What is MEH? Here’s the definition according to the Urban Dictionary.
Indifference; to be used when one simply does not care.
A: What do you want for dinner?
B: Meh.
Election Flavored Vodka is taking to the internet this summer with its “MEH 2020” campaign, a comprehensive, satirical guide to drinking your way through the remainder of the year. Expect memes, puns, cocktail recipes, debate drinking games, and more. Follow Election Flavored Vodka on Instagram @electionvodka to contribute photos, videos, posts and stories using hashtags #electionvodka and #MEH2020.
You can expect to see exceptional cocktail recipes like Second Amend-Mint, Grab ‘Em by the Berry, Martini-a-lago, Drink Blue No Matter Who and Vice Up Your Life. Tasteless? Of course.
This vodka is guaranteed to upset at least one person from each party at your next party. To ensure bipartisan bitterness bring both flavors.
Election Flavored Vodka is bottled at 80° proof (40% ABV) with a suggested retail price of $14.99 for a 750ml bottle.
Buy it or not, we simply don’t care.
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