Before Bourbon was bottled, it was like the wild, wild, west out there. Bourbon was delivered in barrels to be distributed by the jug at the local pharmacy or saloon. The saloon might need to stretch a batch out by any means possible. It was not uncommon the Bourbon was stretched using prune juice, neutral grains, tobacco spit, rattlesnake heads, sugar, turpentine, iodine, fuse oil or water (non-Limestone water, say it ain’t so!)
George Garvin Brown was ahead of his time, as a way to guard against adulteration, Brown delivered Old Forester in sealed glass bottles 27 years before it was the law, providing a greater level of assurance of quality for the brand. Brown believed Old Forester was of such consistent high quality that he sealed it, signed it, and pledged “There is nothing better in the market.”
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Take a look at this wonderful infographic from the folks at Old Forester to learn more the history of Bourbon without rules!
Click the Bourbon without Rules infographic to see it full size.