Neither cold, nor snow, nor lockdown shall stop Santa from his annual visit to historic Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Kentucky. Granted, the 22nd annual drive-through Christmas light display will be like no other year but it’s ‘lights-on’.
In an effort to provide a safe experience, the distillery’s annual in-person events including the Lighting of the Trace and Santa Nights will not be taking place this year. But, the complimentary drive-through light display will continue with an estimated 150,000 colorful lights, including four brand new light displays by the newly expanded Visitor Center.





Santa and his elves loading barrels of Pappy Van Winkle bourbon whiskey.
Will Santa Be at Buffalo Trace Distillery This Year?
Does hot chocolate come with marshmallows? Of course Santa will be at the distillery.
While 2020 has been unlike any other year Santa will in fact be in the house and you can go see him, socially distanced of course. While not able to personally hear individual wishes, children and families can see Santa on the driving route from the comfort of their car. Also on the nights that Santa is on the route (dates listed below), children may hand their letters to one of Santa’s elves who will place them in a special North Pole mailbox for Santa to read later. Individually pre-wrapped treats will also be handed out by Santa’s elves.
Visitors should enter at the main distillery entrance, and everyone is asked to remain in their cars throughout the light route. There is no charge to drive through the lights at Buffalo Trace. Distillery helpers will be following all health and safety guidelines. Drive-through guests are not required to wear masks inside their cars.
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Visitors should enter at the main distillery entrance, and everyone is asked to remain in their cars throughout the light route. There is no charge to drive through the lights at Buffalo Trace. Distillery helpers will be following all health and safety guidelines. Drive-through guests are not required to wear masks inside their cars.
Buffalo Trace invites everyone to come see the distillery lit up with thousands of holiday lights from 5:30-9:30 p.m. December 3, 2020 through January 1, 2021 from the safety of their cars on its drive-through lights route.
Santa will make a special socially distanced appearance on December 3, 10, 11, 12 and 13. From 5:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., he will be stationed along the light route and will be following COVID-19 precautions, standing safely behind Plexiglas this year.
You can learn more about Buffalo Trace Distillery and get directions here.
View all Kentucky Distilleries.
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