Just as every revolution has its own evolution, so does a distillery. Mark Shilling, Co-Founder and CEO of Revolution Spirits Distilling Company has announced he is leaving the distillery effective immediately. Shilling’s departure at Revolution Spirits, best known for its award winning Austin Reserve Gin, also marked the launch of Shilling Crafted (under construction) his new venture that will be focused on advancing the interests of the craft spirits industry, as well as developing future distillery projects.

Mark Schilling – Co-Founder and CEO at Revolution Spirits Distilling Co.
I talked to Mark today and he said he has many irons in the fire. Future projects for Shilling Crafted could be at the project level or they could be more in depth at the full on distillery development level. He said he continues to maintain his ownership in Revolution Spirits.
Shilling, who began developing plans for Revolution Spirits distillery in 2009, became immediately involved in broader support for the fledgling industry by helping create the Texas Distilled Spirits Association in 2012. In April 2017 he was elected by his industry peers as President of the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA), a nonprofit trade organization representing the nation’s independent craft spirits makers.
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“Nearly eight years after that fateful taste of illicit spirit in Louisville, Kentucky and four years after beginning distillery operations, the time has come to move on. I founded Revolution with the drive to create only the highest quality and most innovative products, to leverage my professional background for the betterment of the industry, and to build a distillery based on innovation, transparency, attention to detail, and integrity,” said Shilling. “That work will continue under Shilling Crafted and through my future ventures in the distilling industry.”
According to Craft Spirits Data Project, a comprehensive survey on the state of craft distilling, the industry is still in its early growth stage, with the number of distilleries expect to double in the next three to five years, from about 1,400 today. “There are abundant opportunities to realize my vision, and I’m beginning work on several very exciting projects,” added Shilling.
Shilling who just returned from the ACSA Fly-In in Washington, D.C. says he will continue to work as hard as ever to support and promote the industry.
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