Gleneagles Maltings Limited - Distillers Grains

A whiff of peat smoke tickles your nostrils. A nip of single malt warms your chest. With each sip, your imagination transports you to the historic highlands of Scotland. To the misty mountaintops and mysterious lochs. Or to the rivers and ports of Speyside where dolphins frolic off the Moray Coast as the shadow of Ben Nevis casts over windswept heather.

Gleneagles Maltings Limited - Distillers Grains
Gleneagles Maltings Limited - Distillers Grains
Attune your ears just right and you can hear the bagpipes wailing in the distance; perhaps a call to arms or a wedding song. Enter one of the pubs here and marvel at the hundreds of whiskey bottles crammed into every nook and corner. This is the land of the world-renowned Speyside Scotch and Crisp Gleneagles malt is its soul.

Barley for the Crisp Gleneagles malt grows within 100 km of the Crisp Portgordon malthouse, located in the heart of Speyside; meaning that each bag of Gleneagles Malts used in your mashbill is imbued with the heritage and quality of traditional Scottish whisky distilling.

BSG Distilling is proud to introduce the Crisp Gleneagles premium line of Distillers’ malts: Traditional malts for 21st Century Distillers.

Gleneagles Premium Pot Still Malt

BSG Distilling - Crisp Malting Group, Premium Pot Still Malt
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Premium Pot Still Malt

The quintessential base for superior malt whisky. The first choice of whisky distillers worldwide, this malt delivers a high level of extract and fermentability.

Gleneagles  Premium Peated Malt

BSG Distilling - Crisp Malting Group, Premium Peated Malt
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Premium Peated Malt

Authentic flavor for smoky malt whisky. Crisp continues the Scottish tradition of using peat-fueled malt kilns; imparting that distinctive flavor that characterizes many of the west coast Scottish island whiskies.

Gleneagles High Diastatic Malt

BSG Distilling - Crisp Malting Group, High Diastatic Malt
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High Diastatic Malt

Enzymatic powerhouse for grain mashes. These malts are high in alpha and beta amylase which provide the diastatic power needed to convert the gelatinized starch of other grains into highly fermentable sugars.

“This is the finest malt for whiskey from the original home of craft malt whiskey.  It is the tool to make distinct malt whiskey in North America from the soul of Scotland.”  – Andrew Causey BSG Distilling Technical Sales Manager

Crisp Gleneagles Distillers’ malts will be available in North America through BSG in 2017

Click here to Download the BSG Distilling 2017 Product Guide

Let BSG Distilling help you with all your
malt grains, enzymes and yeast needs.

Contact BSG Distilling at (800) 374-2739

You can find your regional BSG representative here.

Marc Worona – VP Sales | 707.252.2550  x4
Ryu Yamamoto – Technical Sales Director | 707.252.2550  x3
Andy Causey – Technical Sales Manager: Distilling | 303.242.2737
Tinus Els – Western Regional Sales Manager | 707.332.4920
Les Ferguson – Southern Regional Sales Manager 817.614.2565
Ilya Soroka – Midwest Regional Sales Manager | 414.732.7382
Peter Hoey – Hawaii: Technical Sales Director | 916.708.9724
Nick Funnell – Alaska: Technical Sales Manager | 503.201.2486
Kevin Kawa – Eastern Regional Sales Manager | 303.242.2737

You can learn more about BSG Distilling and their products here.

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