Revival Stillworks was created to help support the craft spirits revival by providing planning, engineering, manufacturing, and support services for craft distillers.
All our equipment is proudly designed and manufactured by our skilled team of copper smiths and fabricators as we combine old world techniques with modern day technology. Our team takes pride in developing products that not only look beautiful but will stand the test of time, and our craftsmen are committed to quality and performance above all else.
Our founders Brandon Fry and Darcy Lane have designed and commissioned distilleries throughout North America and bring a wealth of distillery engineering and business development expertise to Revival Stillworks. Our uncompromising quality and customer focused approach has been instilled in Revival Stillworks which means our customers are our family, and you can expect to receive the utmost trust, respect, and fairness from each of our employees.
Hand-Crafted Distillery Equipment
from Start Up to Expansion
Whether you’re starting a new distilled spirits business, expanding an existing distillery, or adding distillation to your existing brewery or winery, we can help you to make your investment a success.
We offer many types of distillery components depending on what type of distillery you plan on building. We are happy to work with you to produce all types of pot or column stills and related components you require.
Many types of pot, column or hybrid still configurations are available based on the spirits you intend to produce. Revival stills are hand formed from copper, bronze, brass, and stainless steel by our skilled tradesmen and copper smiths. Click any of the spirits types below to learn more about each type of still.
Whiskey | Vodka | Gin | Brandy | Rum | Hybrid | Stripping | Testing Stills
Distillery Products
Our team of engineers and coppersmiths design and manufacture fine hand-crafted distillery equipment that reflects beauty, quality, and performance. Quality and safety are paramount in every item we create. Here is a partial list of the equipment we offer. Please visit our products page here for full details or better yet, call us at (778) 400-6777.
We want to see you succeed.
Contact us today and we’ll be happy to discuss how we can help.
Thinking of Starting a New Distillery?
Thinking of Expanding Your Distillery?
Contact Revival Stillworks
(778) 400-6777 | Info@RevivalStillworks.com
Use our Free Revival Stillworks Worksheets
Try our Distillery Calculator and our Distillery Business Planning Checklist (Download for Free Here).